Chris and I went to JoAnn Fabrics today to be inspired. Well really for me to be inspired. Chris kind of just tagged along. Found some fabric I'd love to make into a table runner. Then some lovely navy blue ribbon to go with it. We decided today that navy blue and yellow will be our colors {{until next week!}}. I really liked green and yellow for the past month or so. I thought they'd be our wedding colors. When we went to the store to find fabric, we found that it's hard to find that perfect shade of green. It's a lot easier to find navy blue. So our decision was made. Navy blue and Yellow. They are both of our second favorite colors [[red and blue are our first-- too Christmas like!]] so they make us smile still.
Here is the fabric that I like a lot. They only had a small piece of it. I love the color, and adore the pattern. May be somewhere else has a similar pattern.
--The colors don't show as well on here though:(--

--Now for the close up! The yellow is almost exact! The ribbon is navy blue, not black ((like it shows)). --

They also had some very, very cute fabric I want to make a dog bed for Shadow and Jake! It was another small piece.. may be I can make bandannas!
Then, I found some inspiration for an art project. I bought these:

I want to paint these and put them onto a painted canvas. The canvas will be yellow and the letters will be blue. Or vice versa. OR the canvas will be the fabric we use for the table runners, and the letters will be the blue. We also like the idea of getting a BIG letter "B" to paint or something.. next to the canvas. I bought them and won't do anything until more things are finalized.
Moving onto centerpieces.... I like these lanterns from IKEA. Bonus-- They're only like $7!!! They have more at the store too.

I LOVE all of these ideas for using mason jars! My mom has about a million of these in our basement. So that will definitely cut that price down. She just can't make her sauce for about a month or so! haha.

--These are cute too! I could collect bottles from family members throughout the year.--

I'd have to remind them of APPROPRIATE bottles to give us. Budweiser bottles with the label will not make such classy wedding centerpieces.
++And last but not a least... an adorable picture [[or two]] of us.++